Writing & Creation
RAUNCH: The Rise of Female Chauvinist Pigs
Created and Performed by Alice Nelson and Jacqueline Russell
Directed by Kelly Reay
Dramaturgy and Workshop Direction by Jamie Dunsdon
Breast Implant websites, Kinderwhores, Vajazzling, Girls Gone Wild: is this the face of “New Feminism”?
In a performance that leaps from Lolitas to MILFs, Aerobic Striptease to labioplasty, Alice Nelson and Jacqueline Russell incorporate clown, puppetry, projection and monologue to examine the new brand of female empowerment: the “Female Chauvinist Pig”.
Inspired by the work of renowned feminist author Ariel Levy, RAUNCH asks the question: by exploiting our sexuality, are women farther ahead… or falling behind?
“This is a very, very funny show”-Colin MacLean, Edmonton Sun-★★★★★
“Raunch proves that theatre still has the power to be progressive, edgy and change minds without being pedantic.”- ★★★★★- Vue Magazine
★★★★★- Planet S, Saskatoon
BEST OF FEST- Winnipeg Fringe
“legitimately subversive, intelligent and twisted”- ★★★★ ½ Stars -See Magazine
“entertains, provokes and enlightens”- ★★★★½ Stars- Edmonton Sun
“Nelson and Russell …delve into each of their roles with verve and grace.”- ★★★★ Stars- Edmonton Journal
CBC Winnipeg
It’s a dirty feminist comedy: a little dirty, pretty feminist and extremely funny.
Calgary performers Alice Nelson and Jacqueline Russell based their one-hour revue on the writings of feminist author Ariel Levy, with an assist from Fringe veteran TJ Dawe.
The high-energy show contrasts the accomplishments of the women’s movement through the 20th century with the regressive sexualization of the past decade. And if you don’t think that actually occurred, Nelson and Russell have a series of pointed, unsubtle sketches to convince you.
With some clever stagecraft, including puppets and hip-hop, they satirize Hooters, labioplasty, Girls Gone Wild and more. If it sounds like they’re pointing a shameful finger at men, they also ask aloud why so many women are so eager to sexualize their self-worth.
The sketch about a new mother taking a strippercise class had people wiping away tears of laughter. And then… suddenly, the show concludes with a short video that is creepy, observant and devastating. Case closed, point made. And more tears, but this time, not the good kind.
Reviewed by: Mike O’Brien
Winnipeg Free Press
The performers/writers are both adept — Nelson’s awkward flapping about during a strip-fitness class is painfully funny, as is Russell’s portrayal of the vampy instructor — and though the plays’s overall tone is brazen and flippant, it has sobering aftershocks.
Reviewed by: Jill Wilson